Solway College Solway College

Year 9 Digital Technology

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr A. Coltham.

Y9 Digi is one period per week for the entire year. 

We focus on two strand namely "Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes" (or DDDO) and Computational Thinking (i.e. topics of computer science).

We make use of computer based software like Photoshop, Powerpoint, Excel and Word as well as the programmes available on Google Drive.

All digital outcomes are to saved on the school drive as well as a copy to be uploaded to a Google Drive folder that has been share with your teacher.

Course Overview

Term 1
Computer Essentials:
>School drive, file management, file extensions, file types, internet images and videos, printing, efficiency, own computer
>Using Chrome, synching, bookmarks and printing GDocs
>GDrive folder, sharing, uploading
Designing and developing a digital outcome (DDDO)
>The process and implications
>Design principles and improving existing presentations
>Developing a presentations for a given purpose and audience
Using the internet
>Cybersafety and netiquette

Term 2
>Layers, masking, cloning
>Create images to use in lyrics video
Lyrics Video
>Develop a lyrics video using own images and music from Youtube
>Software can be either Camtasia Studio or Adobe Premier Pro
Binary Numbers
>Intro and Adding/Subtracting

Term 3
>As instructions and flowcharts
>Scratch and Edison robots

Term 4
>"Y9 in action" type presentation for final assembly
>Use Facebook images, many to be manipulated with Photoshop
>Basic calculations
Pivot Animator
>Basic stickman animations

Learning Areas:

Digital Technology


Year 10 Digital Technology