Solway College Solway College

Year 8 Science

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs R. Chand.

Science is usually taught with an emphasis on experiential learning in Year 8. 

The curriculum includes chemistry, physics, biology, geology, astronomy and Earth science and is designed to build on the topics the students studied in Year 7. Students will be advancing their understanding about science through modelling, becoming familiar with scientific terms and symbols, and practical investigations in the laboratories. Investigating in Science includes planning, carrying out experiments and recording and analysing their results and the results of other scientists. This will support the students to develop understanding of: scientific through:

  • Practical and enquiry skills
  • Critical understanding of evidence
  • Communication
  • Participating and contributing

Course Overview

Term 1
Chemistry: Atomic Structure and Acids and Bases. Students will learn about the first twenty elements of the periodic table, and make a model of their favourite atom. They will understand why soap works (and is good) and how acids react with common laboratory metals and bases.

Term 2
Biology: Body systems and pathogens. Students discover how different body systems work together, how mammals perform thermoregulation and what pathogens are. There is always fun to be had making models of viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Term 3
Earth Science: River research study. Rivers are not only an essential part of the hydrological cycle, but also an important ecological system. Students research a local river and then present their findings to the class.
Physics: Energy. A practical unit of work that describes different forms of energy and energy transformations.

Term 4
Astronomy: Create a model of the solar system.
Geology: What is the Earth's crust made of? What is the rock cycle?

Learning Areas:
