Solway College Solway College

Year 10 Mathematics

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr A. Chand.

Recommended Prior Learning

Year 9 Mathematics 

This course continues to build on the five fundamental foundations of Mathematics - Number, Algebra, Measurement, Statistics and Geometry from previous years and aims to prepare students for NCEA level 1.

Course Overview

Term 1

Patterns and Graphs

NCEA Numeracy

Term 2
Algebra 2

Geometry and Trigonometry

Term 3

Statistics- Multivariate Data

Term 4
Statistics- Bivariate and other data types


Learning Areas:


Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

A scientific Calculator Casio FX82AUPlUS II is highly recommended.
Workbooks (for in class and out of class use) will be bought via the department and charged to student accounts if required.