Year 8 Music

Course Description

Y8  Music for two terms scaffolds what was learnt in Y7 which exposes students to different genres, instruments and eras of music.  Concentration is on rhythm and performance at this level.  The course is designed for absolute beginners through to students who have extensive performance experience.  

Students will be introduced to world music and a variety of instruments as well as instruments made from every day materials found in the home.   They also have the opportunity to learn an instrument that have never played and attend itinerant lesson. The students will enjoy be able to play ukulele, guitar, bass guitar, drums and keyboard at a level each individual chooses.

The majority of skills will be obtained through practical activities, listening to music, as well as research through project work.






Course Overview

Term 1
Concentration for the 1st term is placed on world music which includes, rhythm, co-ordination, world music. Short units of work encourage students to read, play, move, sing and tackle difficult rhythmic body choreography. Singing and moving many of the traditional songs of countries around the world encourages interesting composition as well as team work.

Students will be introduced to Pizza Groove, Audacity and Garageband as an introduction towards the ever growing Music Technology Industry.

Term 2
Term 2 will see the girls create and perform in groups drawing from the skills learnt in term 1.
The basics of the conventions of music will be introduced in this term to help empower the girls in their music learning.

Recommended Prior Learning

There is no recommended prior learning at Year 8.


Specialist Teacher of Music,
Instrument Teacher,
Technology Sequencer